Grain Fumigation
Designed and developed in 2010 in conjunction with fumigation trials undertaken jointly between Kotzur Pty Ltd and CSIRO.
This unit must only be used with gas tight sealed silos, tested to meet 5 minute pressure half life standard. Ref AS 2628.
When used in a correctly sealed silo, the Kotzur fumigation box significantly increases fumigant concentration and exposure time. This ensures that even highly resistant grain insect species are controlled during fumigation.
- Recirculation is recommended for all silos in excess of 200T capacity.
- Required phosphine concentration distributed throughout all parts of the silo within 24 hours, as showed by trials conducted by CSIRO.
- When used in conjunction with Kotzur sealed silos, the units have proved to achieve concentrations at least 3x the minimum required for fumigation for up to 7 weeks.
- This provides a good margin to ensure extinction of insect populations. (See research results on next page).
- The box can be moved from silo to silo after fumigation.
- Ground level fumigation. Active ingredient and residue handled safely on the ground making the process much safer than fumigating in the silo headspace.
- Explosion relief panel fitted for operator protection phosphine tablets are not put into silo. Eliminates risk of fire/combustion in grain.
Grain Fumigation Options