Drag Conveyors
Drag conveyors are used to transport bulk materials both horizontally, and up inclines. A chain is used to drag a series of paddles (or flights), which in turn, drag material along the length of the conveyor
A toothed sprocket is located in the head and tail sections, with the gearmotor located on the head section. The Kotzur design ensures that the chain always runs on a track liner to maximise life of the chain and wipers attached to paddles ensure a high level of conveyor cleanout. Intermediate outlets are also available and are coupled with a slide gate.
Drag conveyors can be fully inclined, or a horizontal-to-incline bend can be incorporated part-way along to suit the requirements of your facility. The material of construction is typically from hot-dip galvanised mild steel or stainless steel, however other materials and finishes are available on request.
When conveying hot steamed product, vents can be included along the conveyed length to enable to steam to escape and not compromise the quality of your product. These vents are capped to prevent rain ingress.
Kotzur offer a minimum carryover tail design, whereby material carried over the intended intermediate outlet by the chain, will not all be deposited into the final outlet of the conveyor. This design has a wide number of application, chiefly within system hygiene and avoiding cross- contamination of materials handled.
En Masse drag conveyors
High flight drag conveyors