Mott Agriculture
Additional storage, fumigation and conveying equipment was installed at this facility. The client’s ultimate goal was to improve efficiency, reducing costs and time. Kotzur engineering and project management team worked with this concept design up to final installation of the new facility.
This project has allowed the client to achieve their three ultimate goals:
↓ TIME: They are able to load a B-double truck in less than 5 minutes. The farmer used to load the trucks through a mobile auger, but now it is all done electronically, with accurate weights and loading and unloading systems.
↓ COSTS: By improving efficiency, they have been able to remove labour costs. Weight is now displayed at the garner bins, so the truck driver knows how much grain they are loading. The client is really happy with this feature and he stated it has been ‘spot on’ every time.
↑ GRAIN QUALITY: Kotzur also installed a high quality fumigation system. The system is designed to allow grain to be fumigated before it is loaded into a truck ensuring insect free grain can be delivered every time.