Employee Highlight – Elise’s Story

Elise joined Kotzur when she was 15 in December 2020. Living in Walla Walla, Elise’s father told her to “get a job” during the school holidays, so she did! 


 Starting off with general labouring, Elise quickly impressed and was able to secure a school-based apprenticeship during her Year 10 school year and is now in her third year as a metal fabrication apprentice. 


She is currently completing her Certificate 3 in Engineering and Fabrication while being employed full-time at Kotzur in Walla and hopes to move onto her Certificate 4 in the near future.


Elise said she is enjoying the opportunity to learn and grow through the program and the business. 


Welding is her favourite task, and she appreciates the supportive and dedicated team members who actively contribute to her development. 


We are looking forward to supporting Elise’s career at Kotzur.